After putting away the graduation cap and step into the working society.You will be introduced to the world of credit cards. Credit card allows you to purchase what you want on credit from the bank. Despite the disadvantage of incurring a high 24% interest and annual fees, you will be amazed that many working professional still hold on to a card or two. Although you may had came across stories or news of how deadly potent it is to be in a credit card debt but there are actually ways to get benefits from credit cards .
To attract customers, Credit Card have all sort of promotion
Tip 1
Pay your Telecom bill SINGTEL, STARHUB or M1 at at the AXS machine in singapore using CITIbank bill payment and earn points.This is different from from paying your bill online as it does not gain you any rewards point. After your rewards point hit the balance to exchange for cash rebate . redeem the cash rebate.
Tip 2
Use credit card that give you instant cash rebate. Since you are intending to buying the item, use a credit card that could let you gain rewards point
Tip 3
Sign up for credit card that give you a cash back reward. Use the cash to get something you like.
Tip 4
Create a win-win situation. Convince your family to pay their bill through your credit card which will yield rewards point for cash rebate.
Search for a credit card with free 2 years annual fee or life time .
Finally tip
When it is time to pay annual fees, make a call to the bank to waive off the charges. But if they do not comply, simply cancel the card