Education system
We receive our education on various subject at school.
Missing Topic
But one of the most important subject - Financial Education was left out. Schools and colleges still does not provide Financial knowledge on stock investment or business investment. Though we learn mathematics or even calculus, but not how to analyse the stocks with addition and subtraction. Not to mention which is the fastest way using math to repay the huge amount of student loan most of us take up for a degree?
Knowledge is important
I feel that School are great, but there are more to life beyond school. it the place where we learn the basic skill.But We need to be street-smart rather than a dictionary of knowledge. Most stock or Forex investor I know learn from friends and relatives. Trouble occurs when they follow advices to buy stocks without doing any homework on the listed company. As the saying goes when investing on advice from peers "Buy together, Win together and Lose also together". There are more information other than the Stock price and currencies fluctuation in the stock exchange market to determine prices.
Knowledge of the stock market
The need to know the business when buying a stock is important. No one invest to lose money, but sometime the best student may also get burn in the stock market.
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Investment: Important subject that school never teach

The first thing school taught us is to finish your studies to get a job, we were never thought that we could use and spend our money better on investment. That putting up a business is better than finding a job. And I learned about investment not from school but from laymen's who are working hard to double what they had invested. And right now I would say that internet has thriving ways on how to invest your money wisely, I read on traderxp review that binary options is one of them, and I have tried it not so many times, but fair enough I was able to double an investment in their 60 second trade, but you can choose what you want, and I don't trade more often because my money is limited.