The word "frugal" may sound familiar to most, a word of virtue which teach us to avoid waste and luxury. But how many of us are able to resist the temptation that explode our craving to get our desired goods through advertisements?
Is it hard in a spending culture?
We live in a society with booming consumer culture. Businesses will get every chances to urge us to spend, spend and spend through any form of advertisements (internet, paper, television, radio). Any media, customer come into contact with is a good advertising board. Consciously and unconsciously been brain-washed day-in, day-out, not many of us can withstand the "motivation"; as it will clearly be a fail advertisement if our attention is not drawn towards it.
We have cards
This "spend now, worry later" predominant message will unleash the chain to our credit cards. And with our 3x salary credit limit, we tend to ignore the expensive price tag on the our new desired items and overspend. After the shopping spree, we return with our luxury trophies all on credit. Our journey to diet or what ever we can scrap will begin after the hefty credit appear at our door steps.
Any help?
If you think you are an uncontrolled spender loved by the credit cards company. I would suggest for you to cancel all credit cards, have a monthly fix deposits saving to another bank and practice to differentiate between wants and needs.
To all readers
Hope you like my post. Any comments(good or bad) are welcome as a guide to improve my blog.
More on differentiate between wants and needs on next post . . .