The working class
Most people are not heir to a large inherited fortune. The amount of money we have in our bank are gain in exchange for our effort and time at work. Like all living things, we need to live on basic necessity such as food and water. There are choices of delicacy to ease our hunger, there are tons of seductive lifestyle for us to live in which sometime come with a price. Balancing the limited amount of cash and the daily expenses to live our lifestyle could be at time stressful .
Making choices between needs and wants
Needs - necessitate for our survival
Wants - What we desire but not essential for survival
It will be good if we can identify the needs before spending on the wants if we are on tight budget. We need to consume food be it breakfast , lunch or dinner everyday. A normal meal will provide us with the energy we need to go by the day. we have a choice; eat a simple economic meal or an expensive meal at a prose restaurant. By making a economical choice by eating a simple meal or having the home prepared lunch by our loved-one will defiantly satisfy our daily hunger.
Evaluating wants
Do we really need the latest phone, a BMW or the new dress in this season? It depend on how much we are utilizing these new purchase. Will these artifacts aids and boosts us for our job? For sales personal who clinch deal, I will say these will boost customer confidence as it is without any argument that to determine successful is a salesman at first glance, depend on what he/she can afford. I not saying looking good is the only way to get deal, but in the business world, equipped with these items will portrait a better sales image. It may be a winning token if the customer is comparing between 2 sales agents. On the other hand, spending the whole monthly spending on the latest phone , car or luxury goods to look glamorous in front of peers now but suffer later with a few weeks of empty stomach.
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