Knowledge sharing in knowledge economy

Education as it is

In a world of today, where answers to almost all questions can found through the web. Education in the past where Knowledge gathering from book , manuscript and experience will soon be obsolete. Analytical and creative brain will be more soughed after than the old fashion data absorbing sponge of old time education.

Knowledge is important

Knowledge to all of us is power, Knowledge not shared will be of no value. In today society, everyone is a vessel of information to be explored and archived into database. Take the famous Facebook for example, We are updating information about ourselves on Facebook. Facebook use this information to send the correct advertisement to us when we log in , earning them revenues. As a singularity , our individual data may be insignificant. But with a mind blowing population on Facebook, data-minding on these information to knowledge will be a huge business.

To me, I will like to contribute by sharing what little I have in this sharing era in hope more people reading my blog can benefits financially. If each of us willing to share with another person our knowledge, not expecting anything in return; wouldn't it be a better world.

Dear reader, What are your view for current massive knowledge that are available online.

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One Response to Knowledge sharing in knowledge economy

  1. I welcome comments if any of my post trigger a feedback.
